
Engineering Digital Experiences That Matter

Join me at the intersection of techonology and imagination, where years of diverse expertise converge to create apps designed to innovate, engage and inspire.

Where Imagination Meets Innovation

It's the intersection of technology and the hummanities that makes our hearts sing. This dynamic interesection is where I enjoy devoting my development skills and passion to create experiences that not just enhance daily life but make a meaningful difference. Here are some examples:

The Cancer Collective

Art has the power to heal, to connect and to express the inexpressible. The Cancer Collective allows patients to share the artwork created in their art therapy sessions. The app provides a platform for expression and support.

Stack: Rails, React, S3, Postgres,

Cork Locker

Imagine having a personal sommelier in your pocket ready to demystify the world of wine whenever you need. Cork Locker provides a simple chat interface and makes use of advanced AI modeling and computer vision so users can upload a photo of wine list and get a recommendation or chat about their favorite vino.

Stack: Expo, React Native, AWS Amplify, OpenAI

Story Sprout

In a world where every child's imagination is limitless, shouldn't children's stories be that way too? Story Sprout harnesses AI to create custom children's books on demand. Giving parents the option to customize stories allowing for greater inclusion and making reading more engaging.

Stack: Expo, OpenAI, React Native, Mongo DB

Technologies I've worked with

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